Fire Fee Lookup

Fire Fee Lookup for 2023-2024 (FY 2024)

Search by Parcel (PIN) or Address


Look up the fire fee for FY 2024, July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024, by using your property pin or address. The fire services protection fee is based on how big your property is and what can burn on your property. If you have items that can catch fire, you are charged 14 cents per square foot. If your total square footage is less than 714 square feet or you don't have anything that can burn, your bill will be $100. If you have questions about the fire fee, use the contact form and a response will be provided to you. Need to change the address of where your fire fee is mailed? Visit: and click “E-file.”

Square footage and balance information are updated periodically. Payment status may not reflect your most recent payment received.
To pay your bill online please visit and enter the service ID "AMB801," your invoice File Number, and your Property PIN # in the lookup below. Payment can be made in-person between 8:30AM and 4:30PM at 124 Bull Street, Savannah, GA, 3rd Floor.

View Previous Year: 2022-2023 Fire Fee Look Up

Property Pin File Number Property Address Calculated Sq Foot Original Balance Balance Due Status Status Date